Saturday, February 27, 2010

I'm Baaaaaack Mr. Anonymous!

Thanks to all who came to play. We had 17 total runners for almost $1500!

Tournament Results for 2/27/20:
1st Jamie *6th str8 cashes!
2nd BIGT
3rd Rose
4th Richard
5th Brian

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Richard wins!

Sorry for the late update:

Tournament Results for 2/20/10:
1st Richard
2nd Kevin
3rd Jamie *5th str8 cash!!
4th Evelyn

P.S. Jamie says, "Don't hate Mr. Anonymous"

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Jamie finally ships one!

Thanks to ev1 who came out. We had 13 total runners for a $1200 pot! Congrats to Jamie for taking one down. I know she has finished 'ITM' several times but never 1st. With 5 players left playing for what seemed like an eternity, Jamie had a short stack & no one wanted to deal for a 5th spot so she said in her best KGB impersonation, "Let's play sum kardz." & eventually claimed her name to fame :)

Tournament Results for 2/13/10:
1st Jamie *4th str8 cash!
2nd Richard
3rd Rachaael
4th Dennis