Monday, April 27, 2009 up and running!

Hey WSOP everyone? HA! Welcome to BIGT's new site for all the inside scoop from the pokerroom! Thanks to all who came out on Saturday nite. We had 11 players with a total prize pool of $1050! The new structure held the blinds a lil longer but when the "bubble" finally burst, BIGT found himself 'ITM' for the 7th straight time! There was a wintry mix in the air as BIGT had his new A/C pumping out that bone-chilling blast as promised but when it was all said and done the only one whose cards never went cold were that of Daniel "Quick-Call-McDraw" Everett. Daniel went heads up with Bob Tremble before claiming the 7th seat to the TOC2. Not to mention the $525 for 1st place! Congrats to Daniel. We hope to see y'all this Saturday May 2 as we do it all over again. Only 4 spots remain to BIGT's TOC2! R-U-N?!?

1 comment:

  1. Come join us on Thursdays and Saturdays, you won't regret it. We are easy money!!!
