Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Thanks to ev1 who came to play on Saturday. Never had we had back-to-back Saturday night champs till a few weeks ago when "Not-ur-Avg" Joe set the bar. Well guess what folks.. this record setting achievement by Joe only lasted till the new champ had a chance to do the same. "NObama Joe" has achieved the same! LOOK! Forget BIGT, just call me BIGJoe! Congrats to Joey for winning for the 2nd straight week & cashing for the 3rd straight week!

Tournament Results:
1st - "NObama Joe" BACK-2-BACK Champion! $490*
2nd - Freddy "All-In" $370
3rd - BIGT $245
4th - Craig $120

*3rd Str8 CASH!! (u trying to beat my record of 9 str8 :)

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