Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We told you he was "Not-ur-Avg" Joe!

Thanks to ev1 who came out on Saturday night. We had 15 players with a $1200 pot paying out 4 spots. So much for starting a 2nd streak of 'ITM' finishes. Got a lil' unlucky early on when my KK ran into AA. Then had my AQ run into AJ. Then another pair of Aces going down to a set of 7's on the river, pffft. Tough beats like these = 'bubble boy'. You know it sux to 'bubble' in any tourney but it really sux when it's your own. Just not being able to walk it off and having to sit there and continue dealing can be tough. Robert's rules or BIGT's rules?!? The fact remains we still follow rule #15 at my place and that is to 'Have Fun.' Congrats to Joe for taking down my weekly donkament 2 weeks in a row! This was the first time this has been done and is a very cool accomplishment. Congrats again Joe!

Tournament Results:
1st-"Not-ur-Avg" Joe $480
2nd-Domingo aka "one-time" $360
3rd- Kevin $240
4th-"NObama Joe" $120

Friday, June 19, 2009

BIGT's baaack & ready to continue a new streak!

Oh it's on! After a little break from the action last week we are getting ready for my legendary Saturday $25 Re-buy. Hopefully we will see everyone out here tomorrow night! FYI, unless you have been living under a rock over the past few months you might not of heard of the latest internet craze. If your not tweeting by now your simply missing out on all the action. If you don't have a (free) Twitter account yet make one already and find out what the rest of the world has been up to. Especially the poker world. So many pros are now using Twitter to update their tournament status, which is great for this years WSOP coverage. Twitter has become very popular amongst poker players. Twitter has exploded on the scene and has taken its old counterpart FTsweat out of the picture. So come on already and follow me on Twitter.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Saturday Nite Re-buy CANCELLED 6/13/09

We are taking a break from the action this week. Gonna head out and enjoy sum sun on Sat :D  See ev1 back in action for my cash game on Thursday, June 18th. God Willing :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

TOC2 Lineup:

Here are the 11 players set to battle in BIGT's 2nd Annual Tournament of Champions Bracelet Event TBA later this summer:

1. Debbie
2. Fred "I'm ALL In"
3. Cliff
4. BIG T
5. Anthony (Matt's brother)
6. Domingo aka "one-time"
7. Daniel aka "Quick-Call-McDraw"
8. Rose
9. "Not-ur-Avg" Joe
10. "NObama Joe" aka Joey
11. Dennis "DAMMN-SON" Everett

"Not-Ur-Avg Joe" proves his worthy!

This was definitely "Not-Ur-Avg Joe" who came to play on Saturday nite! After securing his seat a few weeks ago with the other player having a seat already. Joe aka "Chipzilla" let ev1 know he's no joke as he was just running over the table and good in the end when it counted most. Play came down to Rose, Joe, and myself. I tried to propose a deal but "Chipzilla" wasn't gonna come off much & I don't blame him with that chip lead. With the blinds going up the battle began between Rose & I to see who could hang on the longest. She got me. Congrats to Joe and ev1 who came to play!

11 players:

1st Joe - $550
2nd Rose - 330
3rd BIG T - 220

Monday, June 1, 2009

Catching up..

Sorry to all my fans ;) and loyal readers out there for dragging my ass the past few weeks. No excuses just have had all kinds of stuff going on. The truth.. I have been sad since I didn't cash for a 10th straight time! HA! j/k ;) Let's see.. where to begin. We actually had a week 10 game even tho I never sounded the horn. Switched phones that week and my contacts were all screwed up. Joey "NObama Joe" took down week 10. This past week was exciting with $1,350 in the pot! By far are largest pot in awhile. It came down to Jamie & Dennis to duke it out for the seat as Joey had already claimed his. Dennis finally "went all in with a pile of shit and came out smelling like a rose". Mr. Everett hit his 2-outer on the turn and made trip jacks to outlast "NObama Joe". We now have our 11 set for the TOC! The TOC will run later this summer. Stay tuned for details. Congratulations to all the winners! See list below.