Friday, June 19, 2009

BIGT's baaack & ready to continue a new streak!

Oh it's on! After a little break from the action last week we are getting ready for my legendary Saturday $25 Re-buy. Hopefully we will see everyone out here tomorrow night! FYI, unless you have been living under a rock over the past few months you might not of heard of the latest internet craze. If your not tweeting by now your simply missing out on all the action. If you don't have a (free) Twitter account yet make one already and find out what the rest of the world has been up to. Especially the poker world. So many pros are now using Twitter to update their tournament status, which is great for this years WSOP coverage. Twitter has become very popular amongst poker players. Twitter has exploded on the scene and has taken its old counterpart FTsweat out of the picture. So come on already and follow me on Twitter.

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